
Hello Zookeepers!

We had additional intentional delays due to the fact we decided to add the V2 Egg Resurrection feature. We had delays already, so we decided to launch when it's ready, instead of a specific timeline. We do not want the eggs to be snipped or the Dapp to have critical issues that would make it unusable.

We are cleaning the code, but, this additional feature requires a completely new module. We have pushed our devs to maximum capacity in order to ensure that we deliver within a justifiable timeframe.

We have seen the frustration from some members and we want you all to know that we understand. Once the repositories go live (Date to be determined) you will all be able to see how the entire team have been Operating at full capacity with little to no sleep.

Please keep in mind, that we are not obligated to do any of this, but our commitment to the community and this project is real. We the Devs have done everything technically for Free, and have been self funding this project, therefore the negative pressure to release is something that should be redirected to V3 rather than ZOO.

Hopefully we continue to gain your trust and support, if not the choice is yours to use another platform. If you belong to the people that disrespects the community, the project, and the Devs we encourage you find somewhere else to spend the free tokens you received from us and wait for V3 to launch their video. Which is just an interview of B & E.

The Coffeezilla video will come up whenever he decides and we have no control over that, hopefully the truth will make some understand, that we tried everything to keep the project from a V3 and had no intentions of launching the application ourselves. It was never our goal, yet here we are 96 hours later and we hope to deliver the platform as soon as possible.

We know that missed deadlines makes anyone question our legitimacy and the market has reflected that, yet we rather be honest with our community instead of saying V3 doesn't exist, or making up reason on why the launch has not arrived.

The delays are purely technical, and the repos will prove how we have been working ourselves to the bone.

Those that wish to stay, we will say the following:

  • We will surpass ATH by a significant margin.
  • We will support the project until we see that we have accomplished and surpassed the initial vision of the project.
  • Marketing and partnerships are already in place.
  • Once the Egg Drop and Resurrection feature are in place, the rest of the features will roll out at a similar rate.
  • The Eggs will sell out very fast, and by that time we would have already shaken out those who just wanted a free ride.

Nothing is owed to the community from our end, no one is entitled to anything we are doing, yet we are doing our best to bring you the project that was promised by another team. Thank you for your ongoing support and we at ZOO and NI are very proud of our community. The ETA of launch will not be disclosed until minutes before the launch to prevent NFT snipers.

Thank you,

Zoo Labs